Burda Pattern Mystery
I recently bought this Burda pattern off Ebay.
Ilove this dress! So 50's.. so feminine..so summery!
I can also see this for next fall in
heavy brocades or velvets!

I would not take the time to draft this
myself from scratch.
Sorry to say i am not that adventurous these days.
It looks easy but I suspect I am in for a challenge.

AND- I in no way speak or read German.
I did add seam allowance like
you usually do with Burda.
Other then that i am guessin' up a storm.

Am very excited to see this finished...
Hope to make a couple gorgeous gowns
like this with my own Weezi twist
and put on the web page.
Will keep you posted.

Luv Weezi xoxooox

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