I decide to crank up the stove and start dying slips.

Hiddy Ho Pussycats!!
Most people think of going to the beach on a day like today.
Me?....I decide to crank up the stove
and start dying slips.

What can I say????
When the mood strikes I gotta go with it!

So, I started with blue...
The colour looked a wee bit grey
and thought i would have to add more.

But after a few minutes the colour
really took.
After about 20 minutes I was very pleased!

The blue was amazing.

I am not a fan of royal blue so I
was hoping for more of a
periwinkle colour.

After that i added some red and
tried for a purple of some sort.

What i got was a fantastic burgundy colour.

Again..i thought the colour may be diluted.
But i was very wrong!

This photo makes the slips look more red then burgundy.

So, now they dry and tonight I will
sew on pretty contrasting lace
and get them posted ASAP!

Hope all is well with you!
Luv Weezi xo

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